2021 Session I & Session II: TBD
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
2021 Tuition: TBD
Summer Jazz Online
Summer Jazz 2020 is going VIRTUAL! Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are as committed as ever to providing you with the highest-quality Summer Jazz experience.
The virtual Summer Jazz package includes instrumental and improvisation classes, electives, private lessons, yoga and movement, and master classes with jazz masters.
Summer Jazz Online is a two-week immersion into jazz studies for students entering grades 3-12; however, younger students may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Both students new to jazz/improvisation and more experienced players are welcome. Explore the drop-down menus below to discover the details!
The tuition for Summer Jazz Online is $1000.
Limited need-based financial aid is available for summer programs. To apply please complete the application prior to your audition date. Application and complete information can be found on the Financial Aid page.
Registration is currently closed. Additional Questions?
Contact: Philippe Crettien, Summer Jazz Director