RSC Guitar Weekend

Saturday, March 2 – Sunday, March 3, 2024
The Rivers School Conservatory, Bradley Hall
Featured Artists: Nick Cutroneo, Duo Mantar, Catherine O’Kelly, Laura Snowden, and Berit Strong

Get your All-Access Passes below. Rivers and RSC students are admitted for free.


Join RSC for a weekend filled with events featuring the guitar, including master classes, concerts, workshops, and a student recital. All styles and levels of playing are welcome!

This year, guitarist and composer Laura Snowden will be visiting Boston to perform in a concert organized by the Boston Classical Guitar Society on Saturday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. and will be joining us on Sunday, March 3 to give a master class. If you are interested in performing in Laura Snowden’s master class at RSC Guitar Weekend, please email Guitar Department Chair Catherine O’Kelly (c.o’ Space in the master class is limited.

RSC Guitar Weekend is supported in part by The Augustine Foundation. 

2024 Featured Artists

Nick Cutroneo
Duo Mantar
Catherine O’Kelly
Laura Snowden
Berit Strong


10:00 a.m. | Bradley Hall, Room 300
Introduction to Renaissance Lute and Viola da Gamba (Instructor: Berit Strong): Unforgettable Stories of Queen Elizabeth’s Reign Told through Nonesuch, Greensleeves, Packington’s Pound, A Toye and other courtly intrigues performed on 8 Course Renaissance Lute, Bass Viol and Guitar.

What was life like from 1533-1603? How were the hard working people entertained if there was no heat or electricity? Hilarius true stories about love, politics and Queen Elizabeth’s power were told through song and dance, over and over. Berit will include some rhythmic insight into the Suzuki songs and we will end this quick hour with Nonesuch; all levels can play this, including beginners on drums. Huzzah!

11:00 a.m. | Bradley Hall, Room 300
SMARTer Practice (Instructor: Nick Cutroneo): Learn how to practice SMARTer, not harder, through learning how goal setting techniques and strategies can help direct your practice. During this session, Nick will take you through the process of clarifying personal goals and how to apply these goals to your daily practice to exponentially increase your playing on the instrument.

1:00 p.m. | Bradley Hall, Rivera Recital Hall
Faculty Concert (Performers: Berit Strong, Nick Cutroneo, Catherine O’Kelly)

3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Bradley Hall, Room 300
Suzuki Master Class (Instructor: Nick Cutroneo)

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Bradley Hall, Rivera Recital Hall
Laura Snowden Master Class

2:00 p.m. | Bradley Hall, Rivera Recital Hall
Student Recital

4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. | Bradley Hall, Rivera Recital Hall
Rachel’s Mandolin (Performance by Duo Mantar):
Music focusing on the touching story of Rachela Zelmanowicz-Olewski, a Jewish mandolin player from Poland who, as a young woman, played in the Auschwitz women’s orchestra under the famous violinist and conductor Alma Rosé. Rachela’s story is of a heroic survival in Auschwitz through the power of her mandolin music. She was liberated in Bergen-Belsen and later raised a family in Israel, until she passed away in 1987. This concert is about her personally and about the untold story of the mandolin during the Holocaust.

Participate in Laura Snowden Master Class

Perform in a master class with guitarist and composer Laura Snowden! Space is limited. In order to participate, please reach out to RSC Guitar Department Head Catherine O’Kelly (

The fee to perform in the master class is $75 in addition to the All-Access Pass. After confirming with Catherine O’Kelly that you’ll be performing in the master class, please write a $75 check to: “The Rivers School Conservatory.” On the memo line, please write “Laura Snowden Master Class.”

Ticket Registration