About Marimba Magic Musicianship
Level 1 for ages 5-7
A fun creative class, excellent for building a solid
musical foundation for future instrumental lessons,
or to accompany a private lesson. Piano students
feel at home playing marimba, which has a keyboard laid
out like a piano, while string players benefit by seeing
half steps, whole steps and how these form scales.
Level 2 for ages 6-9
Pre-requisite of Marimba Magic Musicianship level 1 or
previous private lessons.
The Marimba Magic Ensemble for ages 11-14
Experienced marimba players play classical, jazz, ragtime,
African and popular music, as well as improvise extensively
on marimbas, drums and world percussion. The Marimba Magic
Ensemble has performed throughout the USA and in Europe at
National and International Conferences.
About Marimba Magic Musicianship
The Marimba Magic Musicianship program offers musicianship training to students as they play marimbas and drums in a group. Musical concepts are learned through creative explorations on the instruments, as well as through playing pieces from written music. Students joyously make up their own music on marimbas, a skill they can transfer to the piano with an identical keyboard.
Playing in a drum circle further enhances rhythmic precision and improvisational expression. Conducting, singing, movement, and composition allow full integration of musical concepts.
Each level of Marimba Magic Musicianship provides further mastery of scales, chords, transposing, improvising, and composing, as well as the opportunity to play more complex ensemble pieces. Marimba Magic Musicianship ensembles perform regularly, with advanced groups performing in Boston and at national conferences.
Contact Information
Sarah Tenney, marimba ensembles director